Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In Loving Memory

We spent a good amount of time in the cemetery even though the rain was coming down hard. I didn't have any ideas of what I wanted to do or try as this wasn't planned. So for both of us it was a question of wandering and getting ideas. Normally on our outings Dar and I stick pretty close together, this day we went our own ways for a while. I think the location put us in a bit of a reflective mood and we gave ourselves some solitude.  Sometimes an idea comes as I am framing the photograph. Looking through the viewfinder I read the "In Loving Memory of" and thought of a moment when visiting a grave of someone that was in your life. Everyday life is still carries on around you but for a few minutes you stop to be with them in your thoughts.
This was shot with the 50mm at 1/100th sec f1.7 iso 100


  1. You described exactly what I was feeling while I wandered around this cemetery yesterday. How very nicely put. We did give ourselves some solitude. Something we all take for granted..cuz it is so rare, and some people just aren't comfortable with solitude. I enjoyed it. Oh, and beautiful photo by the way! :)
