Nicola seems to have come to trust me a bit more pointing a camera at her. Once again it was a case of getting some when we had a few moments away from work. We met out front and I had her pose quickly right where we were. I shot in colour and converted to B&W. I hadn't originally thought of B&W but had some difficulty printing the colour one. My printer is quite capable with B&W so I thought I'd give it a try. I like it as much as, if not more than, the colour shot. I converted to B&W using a Photoshop Elements preset called "newspaper". I preferred it to the "portrait" preset. It pays to experiment. I have another one I like from this set (well I like them all) which I will on another day post in colour.
About posing. I stood Nicola in front of this wall. She said "What should I do?" I said "I don't know, put your thumbs in your pockets". How could I know posing someone could be so easy?
My trusty old 50mm at 1/1000th sec f1.7 iso 100
Holy cats she is beautiful. Well done.