Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tanks for the Memories

If you are looking for the deep hidden meaning in this photograph, here it is. I bought this toy tank a few years ago for my son. When I did I kind of wondered how I could go about taking a photo of it. Now I Have.  

Into my little kitchen studio I went. I set the tank up on the kitchen table. I pulled the table away from the wall and taped a white paper backdrop. I set up my flash with a red filter in it and put it low pointing at the wall. I dimmed the lights and set a higher shutter speed. 1/125th sec. I took several shots putting the tank in several different positions. In the end I chose this one. I thought maybe the background was a little to red, so while I put it in Photoshop Elements to refine it a bit I changed the colour to make it look more like a sunset (Sunrise?).  

I get ideas in my head about taking pictures of stuff and usually don’t get around to it.  Now when I do it I wonder why I didn’t. I am sure glad I am getting motivated. 

1 comment:

  1. This could be on the sands of Afghanistan!! You can't tell it's a toy! Excellent shot!
