It was a great day weather-wise. Partly because I dressed for the bitter cold which it really wasn't on this trip. There always seemed to be something around us to take photos of and this day pretty much anywhere you pointed the camera there were eagles in the frame.
Our "spot" was at the mouth of a stream where salmon had been spawning and the trail there is quite close to it. On the previous trips there were a lot of salmon spawning but it looked like they were mostly done by this trip. The eagles and seagulls were taking advantage.
I call this one "Eagle Sushi".
With those beaks and talons they sure don't need chopsticks.
Here is a young one whose hasn't changed colours as yet.
Then there were the adults.
They really are magnificent birds and it was such a pleasure to so many so close. I am hooked on going to see them now, I just have to figure out how to get that longer lens.
This was about the last photo of the day. Apparently they go thermalling every day late in the afternoon then come down for the night.
We lucked out with the weather most of the day however shortly after this some sideways blowing snow made up our minds for us that it was time to go home.
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